Sunday, November 22, 2009

ASUS Eee PC 900

The waiting Eee PC with a bigger screen is almost over A large increase from the previous version to make this sub-notebook again a favorite, despite the high price REGARDLESS OF the amount of sales to reach 1 million units of the Eee PC was released after five months, re-released the ASUS successor generation Eee PC, ASUS Eee PC 900. New generation of These sub-notebooks include the big screen 8.9 inch, a 1.3 megapixel webcam, innovation latest FingerGlide, and 12 GB capacity storage for users of Windows and 20 GB for the Linux platform. ASUS Eee PC 900 (U.S. $ 499) still retain the concept of "Easy to learn, work and play" to maintain the weight of the ASUS Eee PC 900 under 1 kg. Ease of use is a factor The main success of the ASUS Eee PC.

With 89 inch wide screen and a resolution of 1024x600 pixel, making the user with a convenient view the page for A4 size paperASUS Eee PC 900 is equipped with a new tour FingerGlide, in where users can easily menzoom in and zoom out the document only with moving the finger on the touchpad. ASUS Eee PC 900 comes in two flavors, namely Windows operating system and Linux. Version Windows equipped Windows Live Messenger features, Windows Live Mail, and Microsoft Works. Meanwhile, Linux version is useful for You are more like display interfaces easy to use. The Linux version can be claimed by easy to use, even by the children though.

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