Sunday, November 22, 2009


Adobe has released a collection of graphic design applications for the professional, Adobe Creative Suite 4, with Photoshop CS4 and Photoshop CS4 Extended in it.
PHOTOSHOP CS4 is a photo editing application and Adobe's latest image that has been equipped with tour fi GPU. Photoshop CS4 also facilitate a lot of jobs with features such as content aware scaling, auto-align and auto-blends to 360-degree panorama photograph. Adobe Photoshop CS4 has been shipped all over the world at a price of U.S. $ 700, and Photoshop Extended release
the price of U.S. $ 1000. Photoshop CS4 with GPU tour fi make this application can work together with the video card on the computer, speed up your jobs. Photoshop CS4 will give up some jobs such as panning, zooming, and canvas rotation on the GPU. In addition to the above features, Photoshop CS4 Extended allows you to paint directly on 3D objects, also not give texture to a 2D image. You also can give the effect of animation on 3D objects with new ray-tracer to create a more realistic rendering. Parameters such as
lighting can also be edited, can also combine DICOM images to 3D models for medical purposes.

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