Sunday, November 22, 2009


No secret that AMD is experiencing a crisis. Apart from the video card industry that they can reclaim from nVIDIA, but AMD is still one step behind Intel. AMD still trying to block the processor speed of Intel's 45 nm with their first, Shanghai, which seeks to be released along with second-generation 45 nm Intel processors, Nehalem. To deal with processor chip market
increasingly stringent, AMD finally decided to divide the two companies. One company will continue to run the chip design business and continue to use AMD's name, the other
will use the name of the Foundry Company will produce chips. Two separate companies will be working side by side, but still conduct business independently. In addition, two companies that came Abu Dhabi has decided to invest their money for U.S. $ 5.7 billion to make AMD better. The majority of the money injected from Abu Dhabi, the two companies will later be flowing into the Foundry Company, which will create a new factory in Albany, New York. AMD retains 44.4% stake in Foundry Company, and the largest shares held by Advanced Technology
Investment Company. Advanced Technology, a company that didrikan by wealthy Abu Dhabi government, has promised an initial investment of U.S. $ 2.1 billion. Advanced Technology was not the only company that wants AMD. Mubadala Development Company, which bought 8% stake in AMD last November 2007, will pay U.S. $ 314 million to buy 58 million shares of AMD, or approximately 19.3% of the total AMD. Later Mubadala and Advanced Technology will continue to work together to complete the purchase agreement with AMD.

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