Sunday, November 22, 2009


Gap BGP is not only a hot Internet users, but also Internet Service Provider company, even nor router manufacturer worried.

RESEARCHER pair of Internet security has demonstrated a new technique that can infiltrate into the traffic Internet secretly like intelligent agents United States, the National Security Agency. New techniques utilize routing protocol BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), make the hacker can monitor the Internet traffic that are not protected anywhere in the world, and even modify Internet traffic before it reaches the goal. The demonstration is the latest attack security weaknesses in some of the core Internet protocols. Protocol - protocols were developed on a large scale in the 1970s with the assumption that every node in
reliable network. The world has been reminded of when in July 2008 when a Internet security researcher, Dan Kaminsky, that reveals the gap dangerous to the system control. The Security researchers argue that the safety demonstration meruapakan a major weakness in Internet. According to Peiter "Mudge" Zatko, a computer scientist and former member of L0pht hacking group, who testified in Congress in 1998 that he could cripple Internet network just in time 30 minutes by using attacks similar to BGP, and in secret Zatko also told agents the U.S. government how BGP can be used for tapping. Anyone with a BGP router can disrupt traffic
data to the IP address. The assault only interfere traffic data to the address you want to be attacked. Use BGP attack methods can be used for corporate spy, a spy state, or even
intelligence agents to search data via the Internet without having to cooperation with the ISP. Intercepts using BGP has long been a theoretical weakness, but no demonstrations until Anton "Tony" Kapela, Director of Data Center and Network in 5Nines Data, Alex Pilosov, CEO Pilosoft, showed their technique at the conference of hackers, DEFCON. The pair of security researchers these successful hijack Internet traffic on the conference network and switching to a system in the city of New York before routing returned to DEFCON in Las Vegas. These techniques, do not use gap in BGP, but only use how BGP works. Kapela told that the BGP technology there is no gap, no protocol error and no errors in the software

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