Sunday, November 22, 2009


Adobe offers a new standard open document file format for the film industry in order to avoid incompatibility and file formats pressing the high cost of film making.
ADOBE IS-known companies with video editing applications and photos and makers of popular software products, such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premier Pro. Adobe announced that they are developing an open file format for digital cinema files. Format DNG will be named Cinema it based on the format owned by Adobe, the Adobe Negative file format used for digital photography. DNG format used for photographic purposes.

DNG allows you to develop more creative ideas in a digital negative file.
Adobe says that CinemaDNG open format will make the inevitable movie producers of digital format incompatibility problems involving various kinds of digital devices, file formats, and types of cameras. CinemaDNG also create meta data can be added to the digital files so that post-production jobs can be done more easily and make the users can find content more comfortably. Meta data will also facilitate jobs makers of digital advertising. Cinema's ability to dng metadata can be done through a software, namely Adobe Media Player.

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