Sunday, November 22, 2009


GO GOOGLE tighten competition with its competitors. One was with the release of Google App Engine which will deal directly with Amazon's application, Amazon S3. Amazon S3 or Amazon Simple Storage Service is a service which helps the software developer store their data. Amazon S3 first released in The United States in March 2006 and Amazon began to open infrastructure for software developers. Competitor Amazon S3 is a Google App Engine, which also has the infrastructure to developers so that they can focus for software development.Google says preview Google releases App Engine has launched, and will be available for the first 10,000 developers the register. Google confirmed that Google App Engine is a weapon The main application developers web use Google's infrastructure. Like Blogger can easily create a blog, Google App Engine ease of creating promising and run a variety of aplications web. Although not the Amazon S3 service free, Google trying to compete with Amazon by offering limited services free. Google App Service Engine without pay includes a variety feature kind of tour, such as storage capacity 500 MB, 200 million CPU megacycles per day and 10 GB of bandwidth per day. A free service is same as approximately 5 million web pages per month and if the developers need more, they can buy at the time future.
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